Caroline Le Mao

Placement year
Year of Birth

Information on Caroline Le Mao

Academic achievements

High School graduation : June 2020
GPA : 2.6
Major : Sport Management

SAT : no need
TOEFL/Duolingo : pending

Athletic performances

6’2 ft and 187 lbs
Position: Middle Blocker
Club : Lattes volley ball
Division : National 2


What makes you different?

As a middle blocker from a French training center, I possess a unique set of qualities that distinguish me on the court. My training in a French center has allowed me to refine my blocking and attacking technique, as well as my tactical understanding of the game. My ability to anticipate opponents’ actions and react quickly enables me to effectively block opposing attacks and create scoring opportunities for my team. Additionally, my determination, discipline, and commitment to continuous improvement allow me to push my limits and have a significant impact on the game.

Why do you want to play in the U.S college system?

The idea of playing in the U.S. college system represents an exciting opportunity for me to continue both my studies and my athletic career. The U.S. college system offers a high level of competition, quality resources, and significant media exposure, allowing me to continue to progress as a middle blocker. Additionally, I am drawn to the opportunity to receive a top-notch education while continuing to pursue the sport I love. American college athletic programs are renowned for their professional coaching, state-of-the-art facilities, and competitive atmosphere, which will allow me to continue to evolve as a player while preparing for my professional future beyond volleyball.

Volleyball and Life goals

In the short term, my goal is to excel as a middle blocker in the U.S. college system and contribute to the success of my team. I aim to continue developing my athletic and tactical skills while pursuing studies in a field that interests me. In the long term, I aim to utilize the skills and values I have acquired through volleyball, such as resilience, teamwork, and discipline, to succeed in my professional and personal life. Whether as a professional volleyball player, a coach, or in any other field, I am determined to apply the lessons learned on the court to achieve my goals and make a positive contribution to society.

The word of Caroline Le Mao

« My ability to anticipate opponents’ actions and react quickly enables me to effectively block opposing attacks and create scoring opportunities for my team « 

